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Paper Subscription
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A one-year PAPER subscription to New View magazine buys you 4 issues (or 8 issues with a two-year subscription), delivered to your address anywhere in the world.
One-year PAPER subscription rate (For 4 issues):
£38 in the UK
£50 in the rest of Europe
£55 in North America and the Rest of the World
Two-year PAPER subscription rate (For 8 issues):
£70 in the UK
£80 in the rest of Europe
£90 North America and the Rest of the World
A word about DONATIONS…
New View is a small initiative with a big heart and wishes to continue to communicate with the wider world about the spiritual life. New View magazine has very much needed donations to keep going these last years as we try and gradually build up the circulation to a point where we can break even financially. A number of people have given their support in this way, without which we would not have been able to continue. If you are able to make a donation, great or small, this would be very much appreciated.
For those wishing to support New View with a donation, please select ‘Donation to New View’ from the ‘Delivery Region’ menu box and also choose the ‘Donation’ option from the ‘Starting with Issue’ menu box (both these menu boxes are on the right of the form when you scoll on down below) – Many thanks.
Paper (– not Digital –) Subscription Order Options
(Click here for Digital subscription, downloadable as a PDF)
On the form below, select the Delivery Region for your subscription from the drop down menu available; also select from the Starting with issue drop down menu and then click on the ‘Go to Secure Payment Form’ button to be transferred to our secure payment server.
GIFT Subscriptions:
Once you have clicked on ‘Go To Secure Payment Form’ below,it will take you to a new form where you can tick the ‘This is a gift subscription’ box at the bottom of the ‘Delivery Address’ section of the ‘Secure Payment Form’. That helps us to identify that this is a gift subscription.
Please indicate the area you live in (UK, Europe, North America and Rest of World) and choose whether you would like a one year or two year subscription from the available options. To see these, just click in the little bordered boxes to the right of the text below to reveal the drop down menu with the options.
Paper Subscription Order Form