Digital Subscriptions
Digital Subscription
Downloadable as a PDF document to your device.
Choose your option by clicking on the appropriate highlighted text in orange below.
New View digital issues are priced at £5 each for the current and previous issues and £2.50 for all other back issues.
A PDF is available to download for your selected issues of New View.
Choose the single issue you wish to purchase.
£5 per issue deducted quarterly.
Each quarter an email will be sent automatically to you allowing you to download the latest issue until you cancel your subscription.
Choose a Single Issue repeating subscription
£18 for 4 issues, this amount deducted annually from your credit/debit card until you cancel your subscription.
Each quarter an email will be sent automatically to you allowing you to download the latest issue until such time as you cancel.
Choose an automatic renewing annual subscription
You can also buy a one year gift subscription of four issues for a friend or relative. The same discount applies as for the ONGOING ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, £18 for 4 issues. The giftee can then try out the magazine for one year.
Each quarter an email will be sent automatically to the person receiving the ONE YEAR GIFT SUBSCRIPTION allowing them to download the latest issue until the year’s gift subscription period ends.
purchase gift subscription
**PLEASE NOTE: The digital purchaser/subscriber saves on the mailing costs that are part of the paper version rates.
A word about DONATIONS…
New View is a small initiative with a big heart and wishes to continue to communicate with the wider world about the spiritual life. New View magazine has very much needed donations to keep going these last years as we try and gradually build up the circulation to a point where we can break even financially. A number of people have given their support in this way, without which we would not have been able to continue. If you are able to make a donation, great or small, this would be very much appreciated.
For those wishing to support New View with a donation, please go to the paper subscription form here and scroll down to the Paper Order Form where you can make a donation by choosing that option from the two drop-down menu boxes on the form – Many thanks.