Issue 110

Winter, 2023


Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Holy Nights issue as we transit to the New Year of 2024. New View is a magazine that goes into the public, wishing to connect the wider world with the works of Rudolf Steiner and all that can be made in a good way from the indications, insights and impulses he fostered and generated.

Whilst New View is not an Anthroposophical Society publication, being a free initiative in the public domain, we are certainly aware of Steiner’s wish for a strong, serious, committed Society to help bring and spread into the world the much needed knowledge of the Spirit that he considered indispensable if humanity was not to become lost in the machinations of materialism.

Our front cover picture features the imposing concrete building that houses the world centre of the Anthroposophical Society, The Goetheanum, located in Dornach, Switzerland. This Christmas marks a special anniversary for the Society, for in 1923, 100 years ago, before this building was erected and indeed was still surrounded by the aftermath of the fire that destroyed the first, mostly wooden, Goetheanum, Rudolf Steiner gave the Society a renewed form, a new impulse to take into their hearts and into the world. Did the deed that came through Steiner, refounding the Society and placing into the hearts of those present at The Christmas Conference in 2023 a profound meditation, which was also for the whole of humanity, bear the fruit he hoped for?

Richard Ramsbotham orientates the reader as to the world historical aspect of what Steiner enacted within the Society 100 years ago with The Christmas Conference of 1923: Its Esoteric and Historical Significance in the Context of Today. This is followed by a new translation, especially for this issue of New View, also by Richard Ramsbotham, of the Foundation Stone Meditation, which Steiner wished to place in the hearts of the members present at that Christmas Conference.

I requested of Terry Boardman whether, in view of the dreadful situation that has unfolded in the Middle East, he would be willing to withhold the concluding part of his article The 13th Century and Today for the Spring 2024 issue and for this Christmas issue research for the New View readership the history of the State of Israel, looking at how it came about. This Terry agreed to do and the result is published here as Lines in the Sand – What Led to the Formation of the State of Israel? to give readers some background as to the roots to what is now occurring. Edward J. Curtin, Jr., from the USA, writes An Epistle to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. An Open Letter. This is followed by a poem Injustice and Praise by Vernon Watkins that fits the mood of this open letter.

Benjamin Cherry writes from Taiwan in Of Dragons and of Peace and gives a personal account of his perception of the cultural significance of the dragon in the east.

In Perceptions of Reality, Gareth John writes about shamanism and how he sees connections on his path with that of Steiner’s approach to self development. From Scotland, Paul Carline writes on The Nature of Reality and in so doing reminds the reader of the importance of the literary works of Owen Barfield.

From the USA, Therese Schroeder-Sheker relates how her love of music and the harp helped her find her life’s work in Becoming Harpistic.

What Happened to Free Speech? is a question for Michael Fairclough after he is hounded out of his job as a head teacher. Andrew Welburn then gives Neanderthal man his due in Beyond Men and Mammoths: New Directions in Prehistory.

Michael Givens, from the USA asks What is Life? considering aspects of procreation. Our regular Climate Watch contributor Peter Taylor looks at Science and the Changing Climates and brings yet more evidence of the complicit way science is used for political.

We return to the theme of the Anthroposophical Society with Wolf Forsthofer, from Scotland, writing about how divisions can be healed in Light and Shadow – Facing the Double. This is followed by his translation of The Red Goetheanum by Johannes Greiner; something which not many people will know about.

Richard House then provides an extended book review with Mass Vaccination: Uncaptured Science Makes its Voice Heard; a book co-authored by Robert Kennedy Jnr.

Finally I wish to sincerely thank everyone who has be able to offer New View financial support over the last year, however large or small it was. Please, please, keep donations coming to ensure we keep going! Of course if enough people subscribed to New View we would not have to fund raise. So if any reader can help us to find new readers I would be very grateful indeed.

These are difficult times to be living through, but it suggests that we who are incarnated on Earth at this time wanted to be here to accept these challenges and play our part, collectively and individually, in the events that are coming to pass. What makes the difference is how much heart quality we can each bring to bear in life. That is what struck me about Steiner wishing to place the Foundation Stone meditation into the hearts of people.

And to you the reader, wherever you may be, all good wishes for the time ahead,

Tom Raines – Editor, New VIew magazine.


Article/Author Topics

The Christmas Conference of 1923: Its Esoteric & Historical Significance in the Context of Today

by Richard Ramsbotham

The Foundation Stone Meditation

by Translation by Richard Ramsbotham

Lines in the Sand – What Led to the Formation of the State of Israel?

by Terry Boardman

An Epistle to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. An Open Letter

by Edward J Curtin, Jr.

Poem: Injustice and Praise

by Vernon Watkins

Of Dragons and of Peace

by Benjamin Cherry

Perceptions of Reality

by Gareth John

The Nature of Reality

by Paul Carline

Becoming Harpistic

by Therese Schroeder-Sheker

What Happened to Free Speech?

by Michael Fairclough

Beyond Men and Mammoths: New Directions in Prehistory

by Andrew Welburn

What is Life?

by Michael Givens

Science and the Changing Climates

by Peter Taylor

Light and Shadow – Facing the Double

by Wolf Forsthofer

The Red Goetheanum

by Johannes Greiner

Book Review Article: Mass vaccination: uncaptured science makes its voice heard

by Richard House

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